mercredi 4 mai 2011

Who's your daddy?

Today we are celebrating a big cinema's event, that is to say the release of Fast And The Furious 5. So we take this opportunity to explain why the FF series has his place in this blog. We could say, one swallow does not a summer make that Fast And The Furious are gay movies... may be, most probably. In any case some people on web think it is :

But, in my view, Fast And The Furious is more a panegyric of the testosterone and their cars are like an extension of their body... you know what i mean. So the goal of all the characters his trying to have the most powerful and bigger car, and of course Vin Diesel is the best with his PIMP car which can haves erections. Take care, the following scene may offend sensibilities of younger :

1 commentaire:

  1. For some reason, this video wouldn't work for me. The suspense is killing me...I love how people can tweak anything for their purposes;-))

    Corrections: a big cinema event, its place, maybe, on the web, of testosterone, can have, may not be suitable for young audiences.
